Sex Lies & Lingerie (Secrets and Lies Book 1) Read online

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  Secondly, the founder and CCO (Chief Creative Officer) of the agency was a woman. Jaime Zander. Our new advertising campaign needed the touch of a woman. Someone who had insight into women’s sexual desires and fantasies. Someone who had read Fifty Shades of Grey and understood its phenomenal success. I, too, was drawn to the sexy, enigmatic Christian Grey and believed that our new BDSM-inspired undergarments would give a woman a better chance at landing her own Mr. Grey. Or, at least, let her fantasize she could.

  Lastly, I was drawn to the ZAP! website. It was innovative and creative rather than corporate and boastful. I especially liked the key personnel profile photos—all adorable baby pictures, including CCO Jaime, with her head full of chestnut curls, sweet dimpled chin, and checkered overalls.

  Nigel dropped me off in front of a brick townhouse on Prince Street. I double-checked the address on my cell phone, thinking that ZAP! might be housed in slightly more corporate headquarters. But sure enough, this was where the agency was located. My courteous driver opened the passenger door for me. Hopping out, I told him I would text him after the meeting was over.

  Once inside the building, I stepped into the reception area. Unlike the stark, leather and chrome waiting areas of the Madison Avenue Madmen agencies I’d met with, this one was warm and funky, filled with eccentric mid-century furnishings and a shag carpet that reminded me a little of the hotel I was staying at. The blazing orange letters—ZAP!—were hung like giant puzzle pieces on the bright yellow wall behind the receptionist’s jet-age console. She was an artsy-looking girl in her early twenties who sported a graphic Jim Morrison tee and several tattoos on her bare arms. She was a far cry from the impeccably groomed young women who manned the front desk at those other ad agencies I’d visited.

  “I have a ten o’clock meeting with Jaime Zander,” I told her.

  She glanced at her computer screen and asked me if I was Gloria Long.



  She dialed an extension, announcing my arrival to whoever was on the receiving end. I assumed it was Jaime’s assistant. “Someone will be right out to bring you back to Jaime’s office. Make yourself comfy.”

  Before I could take a seat on the curvy couch, a twenty-something man with inky blue hair and an earring sashayed into the reception area to fetch me. He was very attractive, very stylish, and very gay. He smiled brightly at me, revealing a set of perfect white teeth. “I’m Ray, Jaime’s assistant. Jaime is so looking forward to meeting you. Follow me.”

  Though younger, he reminded me a lot of my best friend and head of Public Relations, Kevin Riley, who was at the Lexington Avenue Armory preparing for the highly anticipated pre-Valentine’s Day Gloria’s Secret Fashion Show. My assistant, Vivien Holden, was there too. Right after this meeting, I would be rushing uptown to join them. As always on one of these business trips to New York, we had a hell of a lot going on. In fact, too much. The sooner I got out of New York, the better. Boris Borofsky was lurking out there somewhere. Inwardly, I shuddered.

  With my briefcase in hand, I followed Ray through a gutted space to the end office. I liked the way everyone sat in the open and was immersed in their work. My eyes took in the posters for various ad campaigns that lined the walls. Most of them were familiar and indeed quite memorable.

  “Jaime had to run down the hall to check out a spot we just produced for one of our clients and will be right back. Can I get you anything to drink?”

  “I’m fine, thank you,” I said, surveying my surroundings and deciding where to sit. I chose a Scandinavian armchair over the couch. Sitting tall and cross-legged in a chair was always more empowering than sinking into a cushion. I liked to be in control of a meeting, especially when it was with someone I didn’t know.

  My eyes toured the expansive office. Like the reception area, it was warm and funky, filled with eccentric, colorful, artsy furnishings. Intriguing abstract portraits and landscapes dotted the walls, all signed PAZ; one of the portraits was of a blue-eyed baby girl that looked a lot like the photo I’d seen online. My favorite piece of furniture was Jaime’s desk which was shaped like a large kidney bean. For a busy CCO, she had few things on it. Just a stack of neatly arranged bright-colored files, a state-of-the-art Apple computer, and a single framed photo. Behind the desk was a credenza that displayed the many awards the small advertising agency had garnered. From what I’d gleaned of Jaime’s taste so far, she must be quite a creative and interesting woman. I was looking forward to meeting her and getting down to business.

  With a few minutes to spare, I used the time to my advantage. Pulling out my phone from my handbag, I checked my emails. There were easily a hundred new ones from people who reported to me around the world. From store managers to sub­contractors. Why did everyone have to bother me with their silly problems? But that was my job. To run the company. There were only two that I urgently needed to read. The first, from Kevin, who was likely updating me about the status of this afternoon’s annual Gloria’s Secret Fashion Show. I opened it and sucked in a deep breath. So far everything was on schedule and moving forward. The other one was good news too. It was from one of my product managers informing me that the first prototype of the sex toys we were developing had been shipped to our Los Angeles headquarters. A smile spread across my face. We were about to expand our business, which now included intimate apparel, active wear, and beauty products, with a collection of BDSM-inspired lingerie and a complementary line of fun, innovative sex toys. Our consumer research with focus groups had strongly indicated that this could be a breakout piece of business for us—women believed that vibrators, dildoes, and bondage accessories, like lace masks and silk handcuffs, were a natural extension of our already sexy product line. And that Gloria’s Secret was a store where they would feel comfortable purchasing these provocative items. We had indeed evolved into a major “lifestyle” brand. As I was about to hit reply, an email marked with the word “Update” in the subject line came in from Kevin.


  The run-through was HOT! Except the lead model tripped on her heels and sprained her ankle. Looking for a replacement. Challenging as all models are working Fashion Week. Will keep you posted.


  I replied to his email with a smiley-faced emoticon. Among the many things I loved about Kevin was that he was a problem solver. He had once saved my life. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be who I am; there would be no Gloria’s Secret. I was confident he would find a replacement, and the show would go on. I began to reply to the remaining emails.

  The sound of sprite footsteps diverted my attention. My head swiveled to the doorway. My jaw dropped to the floor, and my cell slipped out of my hand. Oh. My. God. It was him! That pompous asshole who had caused me to drop my briefcase in the elevator and then played head games with me. What the hell was he doing here? Maybe he worked for Ms. Zander?

  He took long confident steps in my direction. I hesitantly stood up. He took my hand in his and shook it. His grip was firm, the touch warm. My body stiffened and my heartbeat quickened.

  “Ms. Long, a pleasure to meet you officially.”

  My mouth frozen open, I was speechless. I finally found my voice. “And you’re…”

  “Jaime Zander.”

  Fuck! Holy, holy, fuck!

  I collapsed back into my chair. He shot me a devilish smile. Damn him. He knew I was caught off guard. Big time.

  Wordlessly, I gazed up at his face. The baby photo that I’d seen online flashed into my head. It was him all right. Though maybe thirty-five years older, he had the same baby blue eyes with that thick fan of lashes, silky chestnut hair, and that distinct dimpled chin. He had been one of those babies that old ladies would look at and say, “Oh, he’s pretty enough to be a girl.”

  Mortification struck me like a lightning bolt. I was not easily rattled, but Mr. Zander had succeeded. I suddenly didn’t want to do the meeting or give him my business.

  Paralyzed, my eyes stayed locked on him as he lower
ed himself into the chair catty-cornered to mine. We were in such close proximity I could inhale the intoxicating scent of him and feel his warm breath on my cheeks.

  “Are you sure I can’t get you something? A coffee? Water? Tea perhaps?”

  A fan?

  “No, thank you,” I said, nervously tugging on the thick, platinum braid that wrapped around my shoulder and cascaded over my boobs. The sooner we got down to business the better. His presence was making me bristle. Get a grip, Gloria. You’re one of Forbes’s One Hundred Most Powerful Women in the World!

  Composing myself, I began by telling him that I was seeking an outside agency to bring my company, Gloria’s Secret, to a new level of sales and sensuality.

  He folded one long, muscled leg over the other and relaxed back in his chair with his sculpted arms casually crossed over his crotch—I mean, lap. “Gloria’s Secret. The #1 lingerie retailer in the world. Two thousand forty-five stores worldwide. Estimated annual sales revenue: 6.2 billion dollars.”

  He had indeed done his homework. But there was no way in hell I was going to let him know that I was impressed. My expression remained impassive while I responded.

  “Yes. We’ve enjoyed phenomenal success. But we can’t stop here. Imitators are springing up. We’ve got to stay on the cutting edge, ahead of the competition.” I paused. Okay, now the test. “Did you read Fifty Shades of Grey?”

  He grinned. “Of course.”

  Ha! I didn’t believe him. He was bullshitting me. I could tell by the wry look on his face.

  “Okay, then what’s the full name of Christian Grey’s adoptive mother?”

  “Are you testing me, Gloria?”

  “It’s Ms. Long, and yes, I am…Well?”

  Without wasting a second, he blurted, “Grace Trevelyn Grey. And she’s a pediatrician.”

  Damn it! Score one for him. Except for one feminist copywriter who pooh-poohed the book for demeaning women, none of the Madison Avenue suits had read it. I had to hand it to him. But exam time wasn’t over yet. “Mr. Zander—”

  “Please call me Jaime.”

  Ironically, his first name was the same as the swoon-worthy actor who was chosen to play Christian Grey in the movie version. Jamie Dornan, though they spelled it differently. But in terms of sex appeal, they were neck to neck. Muscle to muscle. Organ to organ?

  “All right, Jai-me, tell me, what, in your opinion, has made the book so popular with women?”

  He leaned into me, looking straight into my eyes. His gaze penetrated me. As much as I wanted to turn away, my vision stayed fixed on him.

  “Truthfully, while the sex is hot, I believe women fall for the romance.”

  “What do you mean?” I was all ears.

  “Well, Ms. Long, wouldn’t you like me to scoop you up in my arms… tell you that ‘I want you, body and soul, forever’ and make insane love to you on the couch?”

  Inwardly, I gasped. He had actually quoted Christian Grey. My eyes took in his mountainous biceps and then traveled down to his crotch. Holy shit. It was tented. My temperature instantly rose ten degrees. A hot flash. Confession: I had the burning urge to shrug off more than just my suit jacket.

  He leaned in closer and growled in my ear. “Or would you prefer me to throw you over my desk… or perhaps carry you away and devour you on the conference room table down the hall?”

  I squeezed my inner thighs together and could not stop my crossed leg from swinging like a pendulum—a behavior so not in my repertoire. I jerked away from him and found my voice. “You seem to know women rather well.”

  He sat back in the chair. “Yes, I do.” His tone was confident, almost cocky.

  “In my experience, the only men who understand women are gay. Are you, by chance, gay, Jaime?”

  He let out a deep, sexy chortle. “Hardly. I could have several hundred stunning women give you a stellar recommendat­ion.”

  “Oh, so you have them review you like you’re a book on Amazon?” My deadpan sarcasm camouflaged my shock at the number of women he’d likely fucked.

  He laughed again. “You’re quite witty, Ms. Long. I like that in a woman.”

  Again, I was speechless. Damn him!

  He moved in again close to me and snagged my braid, coiling it around his exquisite, long-fingered hand. “So, what will it take to win your account?”

  The hair play was distracting me. Sending a barrage of sparks to my core. This was likely some form of sexual harassment, but while my brain was whispering stop, my body was clamoring for more. Why did something so wrong feel so right? Battling my physical sensations, I forced myself to remove his hand from my tresses and composed myself once more. “I’ve asked every agency I’ve met with to come up with a pitch by Friday. Do you think your agency could do that?”

  “Not a problem. I’ll put my best person on the job right away.”

  “And who might that be?” I asked, my voice dripping with a mix of curiosity and sarcasm.

  He grinned wickedly. “Yours truly.” With that, he rose and escorted me to the door. Before I could step over the threshold, he barricaded it with his body and outstretched arms. His biceps flexed as he pressed his hands against the framework. We were face-to-face again, only a breath away.

  His eyes burnt into mine. “I meant to tell you, Ms. Long, I find your eyes fascinating.”

  Most people did. My right eye was blue; my left one brown. I had a rare genetic condition known as heterochromia. In press releases and on the Internet, both eyes appeared to be brown thanks to Photoshop. But because I suffered from dry eye syndrome, I was unable to use contacts to conceal my idiosyncrasy the rest of the time.

  Jaime continued to study my mismatched eyes. “They’re contradictions just like the rest of you.”

  That I hadn’t heard before. “What do you mean?”

  “Your mind says one thing, your body says another.”

  His words spurred another rush of head-to-toe tingles and sent my heart into a gallop. Damn him! He was unhinging me again. “Mr. Zander, can I please leave?” I spluttered.

  With a smirk, he pivoted so that he was leaning against the doorway. He gave my braid a little tug as I hurried past him. “Ms. Long, I look forward to the pleasure of seeing you again.”

  “The same.” Bastard!

  As I stomped down the hallway, I could feel his fiery eyes on my backside. His voice traveled down the corridor. “Oh, by the way, I find your black lace push-up bra and matching thong very sexy. And that garter…”

  Cringing, I just kept moving. How the hell did he know what I was wearing under my suit?



  Leaning back in my desk chair, I folded my hands behind my head and chortled out loud. That meeting was priceless. Especially the expression on her face when she found out that I was the one and only Jaime Zander. Mentally, I gave myself a round of applause for not giving myself away during our unexpected elevator encounter or revealing that I recognized her immediately from the many photos I’d seen of her online. Though I had to admit she was far more stunning in person. And far more intriguing. And challenging.

  She’s something that Gloria Long, I mused. Thank fuck, I did my research and knew all I could about her. The information about her past was sparse, but there was an endless number of entries about her as a businesswoman. My takeaway: she was tough cookie, but I could make her crumble. And not just in the boardroom.

  With a content smile, I closed my eyes. Jesus fucking Christ. That ass. That gorgeous ass. It was imprinted on my mind. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t get it out of my head.

  I bet it was perfectly round and sat high. Her cheeks, firm but supple, as smooth and white as porcelain. A skimpy black lace garter that holds up sheer dark stockings that climb up her long legs and stop mid thigh make her even more irresistibly sexy.

  My twitchy cock flexed beneath my desk. In my mind’s eye, I fantasized bending her over my desk, squeezing those scrumptious cheeks apart, and then fucking he
r from behind. Pummeling her with my dick as she shrieked, those beautiful big tits bouncing in rhythm as she rocked backward to meet my thrusts, threatening to fall out of the lace cups of her matching bra. Hearing her yelp as I tugged hard on her long platinum braid, tilting her head back, as I brought her to the point of no return. No pain, no gain. I bet she was a screamer. Yeah, for sure and if she wasn’t, all of Manhattan would hear her come by the time I was done with her.

  My hand involuntarily jumped to my spiraling cock when a ping from my computer intercepted my fantasy. An email. My eyes snapped open and my attention leaped to the screen. As I read whom it was from, my cock deflated and my spine tightened. How the fuck did she get my address? What the hell does she want? My muscles tensed, my spine tightened. Shed was one of the last people I ever wanted to see or hear from.

  Subject: SURPRISE!

  Against my better judgment, I read the rest of the email. How ironic. An invite. Fine, I’d go. It would just be another opportunity to fuck with her mind.




  Insanity. Utter insanity. That was the only way to describe the electrifying pre-show atmosphere at the Lexington Avenue Armory. Production personnel were running around like banshees getting it together. They were talking into headsets and cell phones and frantically jotting down notes on clipboards and in notebooks. The look of stress and panic was etched on everyone’s faces. The adrenaline was flying. The much-anticipated Gloria’s Secret Fashion Show was scheduled to start in an hour, but it seemed like we’d never get there.

  It was always like this even though this was our tenth show. This one, however, was more ambitious because it was celebrating our first decade of putting them on. For the first time, the show was being broadcast on a major television network in addition to being shown live on our website. Every fashion journalist and blogger in the world was going to be here including reporters from Entertainment Tonight…Vogue…TMZ… just to name a few. And the celebrity list was endless.